Roman Jewellery Chiddingly

Roman Jewellery Chiddingly
Fashion and jewellery are always a fascinating part of history to look in to no matter the culture or time period. It tells us so much about the people who lived at that time; the differences between the upper and lower classes, what was viewed as valuable and precious, how they used fashion and jewellery to reflect their status and what wearing certain items of clothing or jewellery would tell you about a person upon first glance. That has not changed today, a lot of people use jewellery to show and display their wealth. And it was the same way when it came to Roman jewellery. Many of the rich back in Roman times would use jewellery as a display of their wealth. They favoured stones such as pearls, topaz, emeralds, opal and diamonds and they would use these stones to adorn any type of Roman jewellery from brooches, bracelets, ring and earrings. Archaeologists have found patterns when it comes to discoveries of Roman jewellery. In areas that were known to be wealthier cities and provinces during the Roman period they will find the more expensive pieces that would have belonged to people who were more well off. They have also noticed that in dig sites that are known to be poorer parts that Roman jewellery was still worn but made from much less valuable and precious materials. They feel that this shows no matter the wealth, status, position or background of the people living at that time, they were used to wearing some form of Roman jewellery and it was clearly an important part of the dress and grooming for that era.
Rings are an interesting piece of Roman jewellery to look at. They would be worn by men, women and even children. They would come in a range of designs and styles from very intricate and ornate pieces that would have precious stones and jewels inlaid in them to very plain and simple bands. At a certain level of wealth and status, signet rings came about during the Roman period. These were typically used by rich, powerful men who were high up in society and it was a way of signing an important document or identifying something that belonged to them. It was a personal symbol that would be etched on to a ring and they would use it as their own form of identification.
Roman jewellery has such a rich history and there is always more to learn. Many people today love the style and look of Roman jewellery. Whether they want a piece to wear or just appreciate, there is no need to waste your time searching high or low for Roman jewellery. Chiddingly has the answer. Home to Mike Shorer’s Fine Jewellery studio, you can find a wide variety of jewellery from modern pieces to Roman jewellery. Chiddingly is home to beautiful historic gems so make sure you visit for your Roman jewellery. Chiddlingly’s Mike Shorer would be more than happy to help!